Monday, March 9, 2009


She's a smart one that little miss. The things she would come up with were a hoot. She definitely has older brothers. Here are some of her isms.......

Sofieim #1 One of the first days she was with us, Sofie and Sam went outside barefoot into the bark--hey isn't that a movie? As all barefooters in the bark do, their feet became stung by dozens of little "sticks" (some--not Sofie--would say splinters). Well we could tell she was in pain because she would limp. Dave eventually convinced her to sit down and he would
get the tweezers to pull the stick out. Well she sat on Carrie's lap and howled. She cried. Yes, she was in anguish--for approximately 3 seconds. Then she was done. As most bark surgeries tend to be, the tools and the "thought" of what pain MAY occur, not the actual procedure, is the most painful.  That realization came to her approximately 3 seconds post tweezer removal of stick. As I was talking with her the next day. She expressed her disappointment that she had cried. I said I thought her brave and that she really hadn't cried all but a moment. She then said: "Well nobody likes a cry baby".

Sofieism #2 We had just eaten dinner and Sof and Sam were playing wildly upstairs. As it was nearing bedtime I went to gather the troops and get them in their jammies. As I got to Sof I noticed a strange smell. Almost sewer like. Well this child drinks gallons of water a day and never once had she peed her pants except the day we ate asparagus for dinner--pee yoooo! She had pulled a Sam and gotten all caught up in play and neglected nature--and nature
had called all over her little red leggings. She was aghast! Could I please wash them right away and by the way, was I mad at her? I replied no (I mean let's be honest, this was not my first rodeo with someone peeing their pants because they ignored natures call) It was an accident. And then she said "So are you not going to call me pee pee panties?" She was quite relieved. 

Sofieims #3 She's  boob girl. That child is obsessed with my itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny breasts! As I was getting dressed one day she came in and said: " Those can't be your boobs, they are too small. They belong to a little girl." The following day she came in and said: " Are you going to wear those boobs again? You need to take them back, they don't fit you---I would sure like to be there if she ever saw moms!

Sofieism #4. Sofie flirted quite heavily with Dave this time. It was fun to watch. She loved me to sing the song Bye Loo (Sofie) at night as I put her to bed. It was never a quick ending for that song however, not only would I  have to include everyone she ever knew but I would have to sing "daddy David would love her" at least 3 times in a row. I think I may have been chopped liver at this point. 

They would banter back and forth. "Don't have a fit or you'll have to go to bed."  This, of course is Dave throwing a fit as he would like nothing more than to have to go to bed. 

Sofieism #5 She one day just ran up to Dave and sat on his lap and told him to "zip it, lock it and put it in his pocket."  I wish I could have zipped and locked up those two. Even in church Dave and Sof wouldn't put it to rest. 

She is a beauty. She is clever and never shuts up. There are a million more wonderful isms but I'm tired and growing a little sad now. She loves makeup, mostly lip gloss and nail polish (it's all over my kitchen table.) She's a tease and drama queen. When she laughs you want to laugh with her. When she cries, your heart could burst with sorrow. She's 3 going on 18. I would love nothing more than to have her right here right now. But she is happy and healthy where she is and that is what I have to see. I wanted a miracle and I got one. Just not the one I had hoped for. My miracle was seeing just for 1 week the heavens open. Thank heaven for little girls.


1 comment:

  1. This post really tugs at my heartstrings...but that photo of Dave had me laughing out loud. He looks so young in it!
