My poor "baby LuLu" who still can't say my name, got stung by a giant bumble bee on her head. Oh she cried a little and she seemed ok and it looked like she didn't have any reaction but when we got home her forhead was slightly swollen. She looked like a different girl. Poor baby. She hasn't slept that well anyways and to be stung just kind of tired her out even more. The trip up to camp was only an hour and so mom and I were hoping on the trip home that it would be a good opportunity for Lu to fall asleep. Well she did right away. Mom and I just kept driving as long as she was asleep--which was over an hour and half, happy to have LuLu belle sleep but we were a little nervous as were literally on empty. As luck would have it she woke up just as we were pulling up to a gas station.
Here she is with us after we picked up the boys from camp and Matt took us (Dad, Sam, Sotir, LuLu and me) to the island. Matt had the boys and Lu in his canoe and dad and I had our own. Matt kicked our butts. In fact, even before we got ON the canoe dad and I lost ours and Matt had to dive into the water to retrieve it.
Here are the boys heading out. Matt stopped right after the aquaduct and showed the boys these 2 HUGE snakes. They, of course, were thrilled. It was funny as we were headed toward the island the boys were so concerned about tipping over and LuLu couldn't wait to dip her head into the water or in reality to jump in the river. Well she did. She was just fine and was laughing and the boys were screaming in concern. However, on the way home the boys were rocking the boat and wanting to tip the canoe and swim to shore--against the current I might add. Suddenly they were the super heroes they play day after day.
After we explored the island we (Matt rather) paddled us across the the water to the other side to show us the rope swings. Sam and Sotir swam across--I was so proud of them, there was even a little current and that didn't even deter them. My camera was on the fritz but above is the best picture I could get of Sam swinging off the rope. He loved it. I think he could have stayed all day. Matt did a flip off the rope and Sam was determined to do one as well. We never gave him ample time so I am assuming we'll have to head there another day for Sam to master the flip. Matt took LuLu too off the rope swing. It was not her favorite thing to do that day. But her owee was hurting and she was getting hungry so she had good reason to be sad (only a little Kole).
The whole island has all these little shells. That is heaven for my shell seeker boy. If he had had a way to get them off the island he would have and we would need to pay the extra baggage fee on the way home. Among the small shells once and awhile a large one is found and one can only imagine the joy the boys feel. This is Sotir's find for the day.
We headed back on the trail for awhile with Sotir as our leader. We couldn't touch any leaves because they had monsters on them and we had to scream if we touched one. Dad and LuLu were on a different trail and Matt was in the canoe paddling up river. He was to meet us where our other canoe was docked and we'd then head back together. I can't imagine what they thought they were hearing from deep in the woods. We headed home after many diversions. The ADD can kick in once in awhile I found but eventually we made it. Yea home where grandma had our
spaghetti waiting all ready. It was so cute, not being a lover of spaghetti myself, however to hear the boys cheers and they expressing their gratitude to their grandmother of what a great cook she is and how delicious the meal was made me so happy. Sometimes the teaching of social graces really do sink in.
thanks so much for posting about your summer vacation! i love keeping up on all of your adventures and seeing your cute boy with his cute cousins. Keep up the posting and have a great summer!